
May 20, 2017

Global Trends in Cosmetic Industry

Cosmetic dyes are widely used for various purposes across various sectors and industries. They especially have a wide variety of uses in the cosmetic industry. They are used across hair dyes, nail polish, lipsticks. Thus the one factor most of us are most concerned about is in regard to the safety. We always wonder how safe using these would be. However before we go into further details of understanding how to make use of the right cosmetic colours and dyes to make your product more attractive and safe for your customer, let us get to know what they are.

Cosmetic dyes and colours: Explained

Cosmetic colours are also known as cosmetic lakes. These colours are produced by taking the help of absorption of dyes that are water soluble onto a substrate. It makes the colour insoluble in water. Cosmetic lake colors are made by making use of unique technology. The technology helps in attaining extremely fine particles. These particles help in achieving shade consistency. In comparison water soluble colours cosmetic lakes are much more stable. They also generate vivacious and brighter colours. It has been seen that cosmetic pigments and lakes are more suitable for food products that contain fats and oils. They are also suitable for those products that do not contain enough moisture for dissolving colours.

Cosmetic dyes, on the other hand are used for making cosmetic colours. These dyes are widely used by the cosmetic manufacturing industries and businesses. They are primarily used for manufacturing hair dyes, lipsticks, nail polishes, shampoo as well as other personal care products. It has been seen that generally water soluble & food dyes are very easy and safe to use. These dyes are mostly used for a wide variety of applications. They include cleaning chemicals, soaps, cosmetic products etc.

Know which ones are safe for use

Be it the use of any type of cosmetic dyes or cosmetic colorants safety of use is a primary consideration. Cosmetic colours and cosmetic dyes often make use of a wide range of synthetic colours. These are often referred to as FD&C colours. They are mainly extracted through coal tar and are basically a by-product of petroleum. Research shows that some particular coal tar based dyes lead to different types of cancer. This is why the FDA regulates them. They also determine the arsenic or lead amount they contain. Thus there are many restrictions in the use of such colours.

Some global trends in Cosmetic dyes and cosmetic colours

World wide it is seen that North America, followed by Europe, has the largest market for color cosmetics. This is due to innovations in color cosmetics. Other factors also include high consumer disposable income and frequent new product launches in color cosmetic market in the region. However Asia too is expected to show high growth rate in the color cosmetics market in next few years. This is on account of the increasing consumer incomes and rising in awareness about personal care products in the region.

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